It's an invitation to a benefit for the Multiple Sclerosis Society being held Sat 7/25 at the Publick House in Brookline, near where I live. I fully support the cause and encourage any hop heads out there to attend and do your part, and greatly respect that BA often throws together and promotes events like this in support of various causes.
What I'm less enthused about is the way it is being presented. "Enjoy insane IBUs and food that burns" ... "demonically inspired, insanely-hopped abominations" ... "depraved self-abuse of your palate" ... honestly guys, who finds this appealing? Not to pick on BA here, because they aren't the only ones guilty of such transgressions, they're just catering to a subset of beer drinkers, and I'm just trying to enlighten those same drinkers as to what IBUs and bitterness really mean in the greater context of beer.
Again, please come out to support this cause, especially if you are a hop head, but while you're tasting these abominations, remember that there is a difference between hop flavor and bitterness, and that balance goes much farther than intensity when it comes to good beer; at least that's this Punk's opinion. Ignore the numbers, just taste the beer.
Here's the details for anybody who didn't get it:
* 20 (or so) tongue-numbing IPAs!
* Super spicy menu!
* Special guest appearances by the brewer, who will be laughing at the depraved self-abuse of your palate, lovingly inflicted by their demonically inspired, insanely-hopped abominations!
* Noon to 5pm. $15 charity cover at the door. Cash bar.
* 100% of the $15 cover goes directly to the MS Society, as does all proceeds made by the donated kegs.
Prepare to ThrowDown!
For updates, the list of beers, to tell other BAs that you'll be there, and to see who else is going ...
Cheers, hope to see you there, and spread the word!
Respect Beer.
Jason & Todd (Alström Bros)
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